Valamar Riviera wins Best Investor Relations Award

Published 11. December 2015.

Valamar Riviera d.d. is the winner of the first place award for Best Investor Relations in 2015, which is conferred by the business newspaper Poslovni dnevnik in cooperation with the Zagreb Stock Exchange. This honour is a way for the investment community to accord recognition to companies for a high level of communication and transparency in investor relations. This is an award that has been conferred for six years now, and the ceremony was held in Rovinj today at the 25th Zagreb Stock Exchange Conference and the 9th Investment Fund Industry Conference. The award was received on behalf of Valamar Riviera d.d. by Marko Čižmek, a member of the Management Board.

“Valamar Riviera is a company that places transparency and exemplary business reporting in the forefront by releasing sought-after information regularly and in timely fashion and by maintaining a high level of communication with domestic and foreign investors. I am proud that in the face of such stiff competition we have won this prestigious award, which is the result of all of our efforts in this field, and I am convinced that this is added value that will contribute to our efforts to make Valamar Riviera recognizable as the leading Croatian tourism share,” said Marko Čižmek, a member of the Valamar Riviera d.d. Management Board.

The competition for the Best Investor Relations Award included companies that are on the CROBEX index and companies listed on the Official Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. The order of the award winners was decided on the basis of statistical criteria pertaining to the issuer’s adherence to the Rules of the Zagreb Stock Exchange and on the basis of surveys conducted among traders on the capital market. “High-quality financial and business communication is a vital segment in the operations of any successful company. During the course of daunting economic cycles, the investment public looks to companies that demonstrate only the highest level of transparency and investor relations. At Valamar Riviera, we invest a great deal in precisely this area, and this award will serve as a major impetus for further improvements to the benefit of existing and potential investors,” stressed Filip Močibob, the chief of investor relations.