Company name: Valamar Riviera dioničko društvo za turizam
Abbreviated company name: Valamar Riviera d.d.
Registered head office: Stancija Kaligari 1, 52440 Poreč
T: +385 52 408 000
F: +385 52 451 608
Court of registration: Pazin Commercial Court
Registration No. (MBS): 040020883
Corporate id. No. (MBS): 3474771
Personal identification No. (OIB): 36201212847
Equity: EUR 221,915,350.00, fully paid in, 126,027,542 ordinary shares, without nominal amount
Registered activity: core activity - hospitality and tourism and other associated activities which facilitate the performance of core activities.
Bank accounts
IBAN: HR41 2360 0001 1013 19202 with Zagrebačka banka Unicredit Group d.d. Zagreb
IBAN: HR16 2484 0081 1021 34625 with Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. Zagreb
IBAN: HR06 2402 0061 1003 89454 with Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d. Rijeka
IBAN: HR47 2340 0091 1001 53498 with Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. Zagreb
IBAN: HR74 2380 0061 1100 09020 with Istarska kreditna banka Umag d.d. Umag
IBAN: HR47 2407 0001 1003 65752 with OTP bank d.d. Split
IBAN: HR26 2500 0091 1010 24767 with Addiko bank d.d. Zagreb
IBAN: HR11 2390 0011 1013 22250 with HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA d.d.
IBAN: AT19 3506 3000 4210 6385 with Raiffeisenbank Lungau eGen (for Austria Branch Office)