Riviera Adria d.d. - Annual Report 2012 - Management Report on Company's Status

Published 28. April 2012.

On August 31, 2011, with legal effect from September 1, 2011, in the Commercial Court Rijeka Permanent office Pazin merger of companies RABAC d.d. and ZLATNI OTOK d.d. to company RIVIERA POREČ d.d. was recorded, all based on previously conducted legal prescribed procedures and decisions of General Assembly of ZLATNI OTOK d.d. since June 27, 2011, General Assembly of RABAC d.d. since June 28, 2011 and General Assembly of RIVIERA POREČ d.d. since June 29, 2011, as well as based on the Merger Agreement concluded on June 29, 2011. At the same time company changed name from RIVIERA POREČ d.d. to Riviera Adria d.d. (hereafter: Company) and that was also recorded.

Until August 31, 2011 Management Board composed of: Veljko Ostojić – President, Tihomir Nikolaš – Member and Marko Čižmek – Member, and from September 1, 2011 one new MB Member was appointed - Edi Černjul. In this composition MB operated until mandate expiration on December 31, 2011. Supervisory Board for new mandate of four years, starting from January 1, 2012, appointed MB that is composed of three members: Edi Černjul – President and Marko Čižmek and Tihomir Nikolaš – Members.



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