Notice of Conclusion of Purchase Agreement of IMPERIAL Rab shares

Published 20. September 2016.

We hereby inform you that on 20 September 2016 the company Valamar Riviera d.d., with registered office in Poreč, 1 Stancija Kaligari, registered at the Commercial Court in Pazin, registration number (MBS) 040020883, personal identification number (OIB): 36201212847 (hereinafter: the Company or Valamar) concluded (as buyer) a Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement of IMPERIAL d.d. shares with the following parties (as sellers): the Republic of Croatia, the State Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution, the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute and the Restructuring and Sale Center. With this agreement the buyer purchases 318,446 shares for a nominal amount of HRK 400.00 each, of IMPERIAL hotelijerstvo, ugostiteljstvo i turizam d.d. (joint-stock hospitality company) with registered office in Rab, 2 Jurja Barakovića (hereinafter: IMPERIAL) for the total price of HRK
260,807,274.00 with a payment period of 30 days. The purchased shares represent 50.08% of IMPERIAL share capital and the Company-buyer will acquire them upon releasing a share transfer statement following the payment of the contracted price.

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